19 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba

The personal medical record: here we go

The personal medical record: here we go


Si vous ne pourrez accéder directement sur Internet à votre dossier médical personnel (DMP) qu’à partir d’avril 2011, vous êtes dès maintenant invité à demander sa création auprès de votre médecin ou d’un établissement de santé. Le point sur le dossier médical personnel (DMP).

The DMP is what exactly?

With three years behind the medical personnel (DMP) was officially launched January 5, 2011. It is a tool for coordinating care and controlling health spending. It improves the quality of care and avoid unnecessary examinations. That said, it is entirely optional, each person can choose whether to open its WMD. Simply apply with a health professional with suitable computer equipment. Indeed, it is a computerized record. Once opened, it is not stored with your doctor but from a host of agreed data.

What data will be stored in the DMP?

* Reports of Physicians
* Requirements
* List of medicines
* Report of radiological examinations, ultrasound ...
* Report of medical tests
* Personal history of medical and surgical
* Vaccinations
* Allergies
* Letter from hospital discharge
* Etc..

Privacy DMP is controlled by the patient

As its name suggests, the record is personal. It is locked by a "national health identifier (different from the number INSEE), providing the patient to decide who may or may not have access to his file.

Finally, the patient has the option to hide data that does not wish to appear on his medical personnel (DMP). It is a kind of "right to oblivion", say the patient groups, who fought for this right!

Learn more

There is a website dedicated to medical personnel (DMP): www.dmp.gouv.fr and a phone number: WMD Info Service on 0810 33 00 33.

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